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воскресенье 14 октября admin 8

The World Trade Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union:ratio of obligations of the member states The ways of improvement of international integration in the article are considered through the ratio of the obligations of the EAEU member states and their obligations as WTO members. The general features of the WTO and its legal instruments: implementation of WTO rules at the domestic level, possibility of collective membership, necessity for harmonization of legal regulation as one of the basic principles are specified and considered in the article. Used research methods allowed the author to formulate a number of proposals to improve the legal regulation and institutional basis of the EAEU. For Biodiversity 2011–2020; the regime of marine genetic resources exploitation; the basic content of international treaties on biodiversity management; the activities of international organizations in this field. For the first time in Russian literature focuses on the results of the first session of the Preparatory Committee to develop of international legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. In order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation the recommendations on the structure and content of such document are prepared. Keywords: marine biodiversity; High Sea; conservation; fisheries; UN; FAO; international treaties.

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Work bibliographic list 1. Nazrela li neobhodimost' izmenenija Konvencii OON po morskomu pravu 1982 g. V otnoshenii sohranenija zhivyh resursov otkrytogo morja?// Sovremennye problemy mezhdunarodnogo kosmicheskogo, vozdushnogo i morskogo prava: materialy kruglogo stola XIII Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa «Blishhenkovskie chtenija». Moskva, 11 aprelja 2015 g. Abashidze, A.


– Moskva: RUDN, 2015. Trends in development of new warfare instrument –“Transhuman weapon”.

Ways and questions of it’s regulation This article highlights the theoretical issue which stands in many international disciplines, like law of international security, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law. Key advantages of such object like transhuman weapon are it’s difficult nature (legal understanding). The warfare instruments and weapons as the object of regulation are actual and practice-oriented topics, as lead to three questions. First – “where is the limitation of using international law and it’s power?” Second – “is there any sense?” In the other words, how can we understand the future results of this? Quarter wave box calculator 21. Third – “what is this weapon like? Can we know more about?” (it’s the most difficult question).