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Windows apps. Email program whon't link as default email app. But still Windows 10 Mail will not function as the default email client when. Where Windows 10 stores default email app in its registry? This is the caption of the original question. Default email app in Windows 10 is an App which handles mailto: protocol. It's actually not supposed to open Inbox, but Write a New Email form - by opening a new page/window to start writing an email. On machine A, both HKLM Software Clients Mail and HKLM Software Wow6432Node Clients Mail have an empty string as the default string value. On B, both those keys contain Microsoft Outlook as the default string value, which is clearly wrong. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail CanonicalName shell open command Also, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail CanonicalName add a default value with the application name. These entries allow the application to be launched from the Start menu's E-mail position. Hkeylocalmachine software clients mail default program. How To set Outlook Web Access as your default e-mail program in Internet Options.