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3> otdelenie, yacheika (dlya chego-l.) _Ex: the pencil-case has several compartments for holding different things v penale est' neskol'ko otdelenii dlya raznyh prinadlezhnostei _Id: to be (to live) in watertight compartments zhit' sovershenno izolirovanno ot lyudei 4> preim. Razdelyat' na otseki, yacheiki 5> klast' v otseki, yacheiki. Programma dlya postroeniya prodoljnogo profilya avtomobiljnoj dorogi. Krest'yanskaya nuzhda i stradaniya emu nipochem, lish' by dostatochno bylo hleba, chtoby podderzhat' goroda, zheleznye dorogi i armiyu. Dlya etogo, po sushestvu, ne tak mnogo uzh i nuzhno. I za schet rezkogo sokrasheniya krest'yanskogo potrebleniya podobnyi eksperiment pri izvestnyh usloviyah osushestvit' vozmozhno.