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четверг 06 декабря admin 75

We don't have what you'd call a promotions department, per se. We're a pretty small company that often gets too busy to get the word out, so we are always eternally thrilled when some member of the press or a blogger -- or anyone, for that matter! -- takes special note of something we've done. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So, have you guys heard of yet? We were initially turned on to the idea from Faythe Levine, of fame. It's a handy little networking site of sorts that connect buyers to sellers of handmade, second-hand and vintage items. It sounds a bit like Etsy -- and the set-up is similar -- but the difference is that there are no on-line transactions. To purchase something you like, you have to get in touch with the seller a la Craigslist and arrange the trade.

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Torrent anne clark discography torrent It forces you to actually interact with people! We were taken with the idea and set up a profile, or, as they call them, 'corners.' And lo and behold, ours is the featured today!

Take a look and hey, if you're a seller of handmade or vintage goods, consider creating your own corner. Oh, and if you are interested in one of those Wisco Bandanas (or anything you see), it's all available for purchase on our. 3613 Comments December 21, 2012 11:11 am said. According to my own exploration, millions of people in the world get the at good banks. Thus, there's a good chance to receive a bank loan in any country. November 25, 2015 8:43 pm said. I simply had to thank you valsty a great deal after further.

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Yours looks awesome, and pretty close to mine (including the addition of cardamom!), though I don't add coconut, and use dried cherries instead of currants. I also add an egg white to help bind the granola as I like my granola chunky. The questions I have, now that I have discovered the wonders of homemade granola is 1.

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What took me so long, and 2. Why the heck is store bought granola so FRIGGIN' expensive?!?! Never going to buy it again, now that I can make it at home for a fraction of the price. November 26, 2015 2:00 pm said. Your posting really straightened me out. November 26, 2015 2:51 pm said. All things considered, this is a first class post November 27, 2015 6:18 am said.