Some time ago I posted a tutorial about V-Ray 1.5, there was a part about proxy and I posted this image:. There is about 2,333 billions of polygons. This is just a simple preview of proxy power. Part 1: Theory You know what proxy can do now I will explain how it works. Proxy is an object that allows you to import mesh from external file at render time only. This can save a lot of memory while you work on your scene.
Apr 15, 2014 - You could easily start with a ready made mesh and texture like the one that was provided a few days ago here – Free Grass by Mischa Winkler,.
For example, you have a lot of high-poly trees and you really don't need to see them all the time in viewport. By exporting them to V-Ray proxy you can speed up your workflow, and you will be able to render more polygons.
If you want to import mesh, you need to export it first. This is obvious. You can do this in 2 simple ways: 1.
Select your object. Click right mouse button and in quad menu select: 'V-Ray mesh export' option. Select your object and write down in maxsript: ' doVRayMeshExport() '. This 2 ways will cause the V-Ray Mesh Export dialog to appear.
Here is describe of options: Folder - of course in this folder will be saved your mesh. Export as single file - When you export 2 or more objects this will merge them into one V-Ray proxy mesh. File - name of mesh. Export as multiple files - If this is selected V-Ray will create one file for one object. Automatically create proxies - It will export, and create proxy.
All transformations will be aved as wall as materials. But objects that you exported will be deleted.
Useful informations: - Remember that if you want export mesh it must be ready to render. You can't modify V-Ray mesh. - V-Ray proxy you can find in objects list in V-Ray section.
- This is everything about theory. Now remember some usefull tips. - When you want create multiple proxy of the same object it will be best way to create one and copy it with instance option. Part 2: Proxy in use.
Now I will describe how V-Ray proxy helped me in creating this scene (here is more than 500 mln of polygons). At first i take one of models from Archmodels vol.31. Now attach one object (trunk) to leaves. But remember to match materials ID's.
This will create one multisub object material for tree. Create proxy from this tree. After exporting your object will look like this. To copy any proxy you need to use instance option. I created more proxies using this way. For viewing proxies in viewport I prefer bounding box option. Here you can see render if this trees.
I put here one plane, physical camera and sky and sun system. More informations about this you can find in my last tutorial. Here is an grass segment. As you can see it have a lot of polygons:). I exported this segment to V-Ray proxy and created beautiful grass plane;).
After rendering it looks like this. Here is attaching again of car that i merged to scene.
This is very important if you wouldn't do this you will have problems with materials 13. Now just put proxies there where you want your car to appear and render. With regards Tomasz Wyszolmirski Evermotion Team.
Well, yes and no. If you want to create Forests, like the ones included in this product, then YES, you should consider Forest Pack Pro from iToosoft, because it´s the most advanced scattering plugin for 3ds Max on the market. There are alternatives for scattering, like Multiscatter, or even the integrated Particle Flow together with the new vray instancer feature in vray 3.0 or Corona scatter within Corona itself. But the easiest and fastest solution to create large scale forests with many trees really is Forest Pack Pro.
NO, you don´t need Forest Pack Pro, if you want to place trees individually in your scene, in a garden, on a street or other defined places which do not require hundreds or thousands of trees. I bought Real Trees for the use with Forest Pack and it is wonderful. The implentation is very easy and the quality is deluxe. I also love the chance of switching the render engines in forest pack and all material libraries are also delivered and implemented by vizpark. So i don´t have any hustle to render in vray or maxwell.
Just switch the renderengine in forest pack when i import the real trees and everything is fine really nice and timesaving ( 0) ( 0) Something wrong with this post? Thanks for letting us know.
If you can point us in the right direction. This post was. Flag for removal •. Real trees are nicely detailed trees with high resolution texture maps. I also like that the vray shaders are setup double sided. I have purchased many good plant models over the years and I can honestly say that these are the best.
I also consider it incredible advantage to be able to buy the growFX version (what I bought). Thank you VIZPARK. ( 0) ( 0) Something wrong with this post?
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