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We're giving away a sheet of Valentino Rossi style stickers with issue 9 of Visordown magazine, in the shops from March 17th. The A4 sheet is bursting with over 80 individual letters so you can create your very own name in the style of Valentino Rossi's 'The Doctor' as seen on the screen of his Yamaha M1 and the arse of his leathers.
Does anybody know what font moto GP rider Valantino Rossi has 'The Doctor' written on the back of his biking clothes? Here is a link to a picture. Thanks for the help in advance.
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What better way to see in the new MotoGP season? We're good to you lot, really we are.
Processors in a distributed system may vary in size and function. These are referred as loosely coupled systems or distributed systems. Disadvantages of serial processing operating system.