Yasuko Hanaoka is a divorced, single mother who thought she had finally escaped her abusive ex-husband Togashi. When he shows up one day to extort money from her, threatening both her and her teenaged daughter Misato, the situation quickly escalates into violence and Togashi ends up dead on her apartment floor. La derniere femme 1976 torrent download. Overhearing the commotion, Yasuko’s next door neighbor, middle Yasuko Hanaoka is a divorced, single mother who thought she had finally escaped her abusive ex-husband Togashi. When he shows up one day to extort money from her, threatening both her and her teenaged daughter Misato, the situation quickly escalates into violence and Togashi ends up dead on her apartment floor. Overhearing the commotion, Yasuko’s next door neighbor, middle-aged high school mathematics teacher Ishigami, offers his help, disposing not only of the body but plotting the cover-up step-by-step. When the body turns up and is identified, Detective Kusanagi draws the case and Yasuko comes under suspicion.
Kusanagi is unable to find any obvious holes in Yasuko’s manufactured alibi and yet is still sure that there’s something wrong. Kusanagi brings in Dr.
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Manabu Yukawa, a physicist and college friend who frequently consults with the police. Yukawa, known to the police by the nickname Professor Galileo, went to college with Ishigami. After meeting up with him again, Yukawa is convinced that Ishigami had something to do with the murder.
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What ensues is a high level battle of wits, as Ishigami tries to protect Yasuko by outmaneuvering and outthinking Yukawa, who faces his most clever and determined opponent yet. The classic whodunit works by misdirection, same as a magic trick. As is the case with the magician, so with the mystery writer - the more the skill in the smoothness of execution, the more mystifying the trick seems. But unlike the magician (who never tells), the author tells everything in the end: as the clever detective reveals how the public have been duped by the villain, the reader is also equally dumbfounded.
The success of the mystery is in direct proportion to the amount of mystificatio The classic whodunit works by misdirection, same as a magic trick. As is the case with the magician, so with the mystery writer - the more the skill in the smoothness of execution, the more mystifying the trick seems. But unlike the magician (who never tells), the author tells everything in the end: as the clever detective reveals how the public have been duped by the villain, the reader is also equally dumbfounded.
The success of the mystery is in direct proportion to the amount of mystification. In this novel, Keigo Higashimo presents a clever variation. The murder happens during the first and second chapters, and we immediately know who committed it! Yasuko, a single mother living alone with her daughter is forced to kill her ex-husband in self-defence. When she plans to turn herself in, her neighbour Ishigami, a reclusive mathematical genius who is obsessed with her, prevents it.
He concocts a seemingly unbreakable alibi for mother and daughter: however, unfortunately for Ishigami, the physicist and amateur sleuth Manabu Yukawa, his former classmate and genius of equal standing is on the case. What follows is a absorbing cat-and-mouse game between the two, with really devastating denouement. The core of the mystery is not new - I can remember the same plot device used in at least three more stories by other authors (no, I won't reveal which stories they are!).
I should have seen the ending coming, but I was taken in by a simple ploy by the author. There is a big plot hole - the police immediately zeroing in on Yasuko and her daughter is unbelievable - but we can condone that in such a tightly written story. What fascinated me, and raised this book to four stars, was the tussle between the mathematician - who delights in creating insoluble puzzles - and the physicist interested in tweaking out nature's laws from her behaviour, and building mathematical models for the same. The P=NP problem - whether it is easier to work out a solution to problem by oneself, or to check whether another's solution for the same is correct or not - seems to me fascinating. ---------------------------------------- PS: I read this book because of the Malayalam blockbuster movie ('Visual'), rumoured to be plagiarised from it. While the movie is in all probability inspired by this story, it is not a copy, and a refreshingly new take on the 'unbreakable alibi'. Both unusual and familiar, The Devotion of Suspect X is an unassuming mystery with an astonishing approach.