The me irl family - - - new! - // selfies of the soul The most important rule is Just Post.
If you've never had a post or comment removed it means you haven't been posting enough. Our unique rule is that all posts need to be titled 'me irl'. Posts that aren't are automatically removed. We do not allow posts that reference suicide.
Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
This community is not equipped to handle this topic. If you are feeling suicidal to guide you to people who help.
Don't post NSFW, or openly sexual. Even if you tag it. Avoid screenshots that are mostly text, and feel contrived and performative. Show don't tell! Don't make posts that request upvotes or any other kind of reddit metric (gold, comments, etc.).
That age of me irl is over. Pci rs232 card. Check out the me irl family!
/r/me_irl - selfies of the soul - for the kitty in u - for the puppy in u - slaughter of the soul - anything is everyone // - dog! • • • () We have a filter that removes all posts from users with over 100k karma. A sub this easy to post to is maybe best for folks new at this game, and if you have this much karma maybe you should try doing something new? If you still want to post here, contact the moderators and we'll approve you!