For my (word-loving) Thesis Advisor I always ran the.tex-Files through htlatex (as suggested by chl and Stefan). The resulting HTML-file can then be opened with Word and saved in the desired.doc or.docx Format. Microsoft office 2003 full crack sp20. Since you've mentioned that you're on Linux, you might not have Word anyways, then you can also send the HTML file to the person doing the revisions, with instructions on how to open a.html and save as revised.doc. For not too complicated files (not including figures and delicate macros) I also had great results using the awesome.
Convert PDF to Latex by acquiring the source.doc or.docx. If you can acquire the.docx file that generated the.pdf, then you can one-shot.docx -> latex and get decent results using: Online website docx-to-latex converter,.
And just as a snickering remark: In the long run, it might be good to learn your revisor some LaTeX skills, have some kind of revision system (SVN, Git, etc.) and work on the same repository (but that didn't work out for me either:). I've tried a number of them: latex2rtf, tex4ht, freepdf, AdobeExportPDF, and I used MS Word 2013 to convert from pdf to docx. Latex2rtf is only useful if you use standard math (no amsmath and similar package) and no tables. Basically, you are confined to converting a basic text document. Otkritki s dembelem.
Tex4ht does, in my experience, pretty much the same job as latex2rtf. As soon as you insert a little math and some tables, the result is hardly usable. Freepdf does the job well - but it only converts 2 pdf pages for free.
The name is a little misleading. AdobeExportPDF comes up with the best result but there is no free version.
MSWord2013 is not as polished as freepdf or Adobe's solution. Some tables will be converted to actual tables and others will be converted to png images. The same with equations - they are not converted to actual equations but to the closest symbols and sometimes to png images.
Basically, all equations need to be rewritten in word. After years of trying and frustration I gave up and got myself a yearly license for AdobeExportPDF - which is considerably cheaper compared to freepdf.
I know, it's not directly out of latex but at some point that was not an issue for me any more. I simply needed something that does the job quickly and which minimizes my postprocessing. Which, btw., is needed in all of the solutions mentioned above. I would like to resurrect this question. There are actually two separate questions here. First is there a good way to produce.doc file from LaTeX?
The answer is probably yes if you work for Microsoft and you can see the source code for the rest of us no because it is binary locked format. The second question is if there is a good way to produce.docx files from LaTeX? Actually I think that correct answer should be yes with little bit work. Namely.docx is just a zipped archive. If you unzip it you will see bunch of XML files. One of them keeps the content the others are essentially style files.