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Installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 - 10.6.6 - ASUS P7P55D. Instalar Mac OS X Mountain Lion en PC Dell XPS L502x - Parte 1. MacTipsNow All your Mac. If you own a Dell Dimension 9200 aka XPS. This guide is wrote from my experience installing OS X Lion 10.7 on my Dell. I plan to follow this guide to install OS X El Capitain on my Dell XPS L502X. Installing mac os x lion on dell xps l502x.
I have read a lot of posts all over the internet where people are having the same issue as you with no resolution to their issue. The best suggestion I could find for you is to download an Android app called 'Cam Dictionary', then take a picture of the display, which will translate it from Japanese to English for you. Using this method, you should be able to shuffle through the menus to find 'settings' and then change the language to English.
If this works, post the exact menu selections you used to do this and post it back up here (or create a video and post up a link). Hope this helps.
– Apr 23 '14 at 11:37 •.