Board of Directors. High Five Access Media is governed by a group of community volunteers. The towns of Vail, Avon and Minturn appoint one member each to the board of directors. The remaining directors are elected by HFAM members. The Board of Directors typically meets once every quarter at the HFAM center.
**NEW** The former Aging and Social Services committees have been joined to combine efforts in servicing the CB5 district. Toon boom animate pro 2 full crack pc. The mission of the Aging & Social Services committee is twofold: • to identify the needs of the aging community and to serve it by supporting representatives and advocates for seniors. The committee also acts as a liaison with agencies that support and serve seniors through education, services, events, and budgeting priorities.
• to oversee and make recommendations on mental health programs and substance abuse programs within the district, conducts human services needs assessment, including services for health, youth, and senior citizens, infants, homeless and handicapped. The committee also establishes strong working relationship with area hospitals and healthcare centers to makes sure adequate services are provided to the community. Chairs: Hazel Worley / Colette Pean Co-Chair: Chawana D. Holloway Member: Andratta Mitchell Member: Damien Mercado Member: Dennis Camacho Member: Leslie Mullen-Fields Member: Marie Harley Member: Montrez Niles.
**NEW** The former Economic Development & Land Use/Housing committees have been joined to combine efforts in servicing the CB5 district. The mission of the Economic Development & Land Use/Housing committee is twofold: • is to foster economic growth by introducing business owners, job-seekers, homeowners, and entrepreneurs to resources conducive to their success. A key goal of the Economic Development Committee is to educate citizens of the district about economic opportunities that the city, private sector, and the non-profit sector provide so all stakeholders can reach their full potential. These opportunities include job training, commercial and home loan programs, grant programs, business plan development, management training, licensing and certification programs. • is to evaluate, preserve and protect the use of land and buildings in the area comprising Brooklyn Community Board No.
5, including the conduct of ULURP and related hearings, with attention to zoning, landmark, building and fire code regulations. Including, among other matters, proactively working with local institutions, community organizations and local businesses to develop community friendly long range development strategies and plans, working with city agencies to secure enforcement of, affect change in, and assist in application of city laws and regulations governing all land use issues. Chairs: Viola Plummer / Helen S. Jarrett Co-Chair: Vivian Bright Member: Alice Lowman Member: Andrew Walcott Member: William Wilkins Member: Colinford Mattis Member: Gena Watson Member: Joshua Barker Member: Miguel Feliciano Member: Paul Muhammad. **NEW** The former Education/ Youth Services committees have been joined to combine efforts in servicing the CB5 district.
The mission of the Education/ Youth Services committee is twofold: • serves as a liaison between neighborhood schools, the parents and the community concerning the free exchange of educational ideas. The Committee analyzes and explores present and new programs in the district to determine the effectiveness of the schools and programs for neighborhood children. The Committee also meets with educational leaders to discuss their plans for local schools to ensure they are in alignment with the needs of the district’s student population. • serves as a forum where youth organizations can submit their ideas and requests for funding to support and share the many programs that enriches, educates and develops the well-being of a child.
The Youth Committee also advocates for youth programs and services in the district through budgeting priorities. Chairs: Jessica Franco Ramos / Sharese Buie Co-Chair: Charles Bullock Member: Damian Pitts Member: Jahangir Kabir Member: Jason Andrew Member: Nohely Arteaga Member: Tahniqua Williams Member: Toyin Ayanfodun. **NEW** The former Parks & Sanitation/Environment committees have been joined to combine efforts in servicing the CB5 district. The mission of the Parks & Sanitation/Environment committee is twofold: • reviews capital projects for our community parks, as well as other parks matters that affect community residents. The Committee advocates on behalf of the district’s parks and green spaces with respect to budget requests. The Committee also represents the community’s interests concerning parks issues and act as a liaison between parks users and the Department of Parks and Recreation.