Determination of male organs If the 8th house belongs to SUN:- If Sun is in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs with normal sex functions. MOON:- If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid organ and sex functioning depends upon moods. MERCURY:- If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized, flaccid and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters. MARS:- If Mars is in 8th house the native has small, active and well proportioned organ.
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JUPITER:- If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and verile organs. SATURN:- If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not very capable. Determination of male organs If the 8th house belongs to SUN:- If Sun is in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs with normal sex functions.
MOON:- If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid organ and sex functioning depends upon moods. MERCURY:- If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized, flaccid and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters. MARS:- If Mars is in 8th house the native has small, active and well proportioned organ. JUPITER:- If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and verile organs. SATURN:- If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not very capable.
Zasto nauku praviti od tako jednostavne stvari. Determination of male organs If the 8th house belongs to SUN:- If Sun is in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs with normal sex functions. MOON:- If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid organ and sex functioning depends upon moods. MERCURY:- If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized, flaccid and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters. MARS:- If Mars is in 8th house the native has small, active and well proportioned organ.
JUPITER:- If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and verile organs. SATURN:- If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not very capable. Zasto nauku praviti od tako jednostavne stvari pa sad, vidi, astrolgo nparavi kartu i provjeri da li su im spolni orgnai i njihovo seksulano posananje dobra kombinacija imaju cak i za racunanje zenski grudi, meni pogodili. Connaisseur Karlin wrote: imaju cak i za racunanje zenski grudi, meni pogodili De nam taj za grudi Determination of Female Breasts The size and shape of female Breasts are also depends on the placement of planets in the birth Horoscope.